Cerebral Palsy and Vision Issues

Cerebral palsy may be associated with a variety of vision problems and conditions, however, not all individuals with cerebral palsy will have vision problems. 

Cerebral Palsy and Vision Issues in PRIMARYCITY


Exploring the Impact of Cerebral Palsy on Vision: Understanding the Prevalence and Importance of Early Detection and Treatment

Many studies show that up to 75% of children with cerebral palsy have vision issues. Early diagnosis and treatment of these issues is crucial for optimal emotional and cognitive development.

Our pediatric developmental eye doctor recommends that all children should undergo regular developmental eye exams so that interventions can be put into place as early as possible for those who need them.

Cerebral palsy can affect vision in a number of ways:

Difficulty with eye movement

Some patients with cerebral palsy may have difficulty with eye movements such as tracking or following moving objects. This can make it challenging to engage in activities such as reading or watching television.

Focusing problems

Some patients with cerebral palsy may have difficulty with focusing their eyes. This can lead to blurred vision or the need to strain to see clearly.

Double vision

In some cases, patients with cerebral palsy may experience double vision, or diplopia. This can be caused by problems with eye alignment or other issues with the muscles that control eye movement.


Strabismus, or misalignment of the eyes, is common in patients with cerebral palsy. This can cause the eyes to point in different directions and can lead to double vision.

Difficulty with eye-hand coordination

It is possible that some patients with cerebral palsy may have difficulty with eye-hand coordination, which can make tasks such as writing or using utensils challenging.

If you or a loved one is experiencing any of these visual symptoms and has cerebral palsy, it is important to see our neuro optometrist for a neuro-optometric evaluation. To schedule a neuro optometric exam, please call 111-222-3333. Take our online visual skills assessment to help identify if your child has a potential visual deficit that may be interfering with their vision Take our online quiz

What Is Cerebral Palsy?

Cerebral palsy is a neurological disorder that affects movement, posture and muscle tone. It is caused by damage to the brain, usually occurring before or during birth. Cerebral palsy is not a progressive disorder, meaning it does not get worse over time, but the symptoms can change and may improve or worsen. Cerebral palsy can sometimes affect vision, although the specific visual issues that may arise can vary widely from person to person.

What Is Cerebral Palsy?
Enhancing Quality of Life through Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation: Understanding the Benefits for Individuals with Cerebral Palsy

Enhancing Quality of Life through Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation: Understanding the Benefits for Individuals with Cerebral Palsy

Neuro-optometric rehabilitation is a type of therapy that aims to improve vision and visual function in patients with neurological conditions such as cerebral palsy. It is provided by optometrists who have specialized training in this area.

Neuro-optometric rehabilitation can help patients with cerebral palsy improve their vision and visual function, which can in turn improve their overall functional abilities. It can also help reduce the risk of falls and other accidents that can be caused by vision problems.

The specific goals of neuro-optometric rehabilitation will vary depending on the patients and their needs. It may involve the use of eyeglasses, prisms or other visual aids, as well as exercises to improve eye movements and visual processing. In some cases, vision therapy may also be used to help improve visual skills such as eye-hand coordination and the ability to track moving objects.

If you or a loved one has cerebral palsy and is interested in learning more about neuro-optometric rehabilitation, it is important to see our qualified optometrist who has experience in this area. To schedule a neuro-optometric evaluation in CITY, please call 111-222-3333.

Enhancing Quality of Life through Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation: Understanding the Benefits for Individuals with Cerebral Palsy

Can Cerebral Palsy Be Cured?

While there is no cure for cerebral palsy, early intervention and therapy can improve symptoms and help individuals with the disorder lead full and independent lives. This may include vision therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to address muscle spasms or other issues.

Common Questions

In most cases, cerebral palsy is not hereditary and is not caused by genetics. It is usually caused by damage to the brain before, during, or shortly after birth. If you are experiencing visual symptoms of cerebral palsy, call us to schedule an evaluation today at 111-222-3333.
Cerebral Palsy and Vision Issues

Maximizing your Vision with a Neuro-Optometric Evaluation at Fargo: Schedule An Appointment With Our Neuro Optometrist

If you or someone you care about has cerebral palsy and is experiencing difficulty processing visual information, we welcome you to schedule a neuro-optometric evaluation. A neuro-optometric evaluation is a specialized examination that assesses the interaction between the visual system and the brain, and it can identify and address any issues with visual processing that may be affecting daily life. 

If you are interested in scheduling a neuro-optometric, we recommend contacting our neuro-optometrist in CITY who has experience working with patients with cerebral palsy. Call us at 111-222-3333 to schedule an appointment. 

Patients with functional vision issues caused by neurological disorders visit our clinic from all over STATE, and we are proud to be a leading provider of neuro optometric rehabilitation services for patients from CITY, SECONDARY1, SECONDARY2, and SECONDARY3.

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