BlephEx for Blepharitis

Blepharitis is a common eye condition that can be quite challenging to treat. Our experienced optometrist often recommends BlephEx, an increasingly popular and effective treatment for blepharitis.

BlephEx for Blepharitis in PRIMARYCITY


Blepharitis is a relatively widespread chronic disease causing eyelid inflammation. The effective treatment of this condition has been revolutionized by BlephEx. However, consulting our eye care professional for more information about a treatment is always beneficial.

What is Blepharitis?

Blepharitis is a common chronic condition which causes eyelid inflammation. The condition, and the resulting inflammation, is caused by overgrowth of bacteria which live on the eyelid and at the base of eyelashes. Blepharitis can occur at any age, but it is more common as people age, due to the fact that there are less antibodies contained within the tears as people age.

The overgrowth of bacteria creates a biofilm on the eyelid and along the eyelashes which traps dust and other particles, and hosts bacterial exo-toxins. These toxins cause inflammation, and negatively affects the tear glands, leading to a reduction of tears produced. The longer this goes on, this escalates and the condition worsens, with fewer tears and fewer antibodies produced. More bacteria will then build up, leading to chronic irritation and dry eye.

The inflammation caused by these exo-toxins can lead to serious damage to both the eyelids and tear glands over time, if the condition is left untreated.

What is Blepharitis?
Blepharitis Symptoms

Blepharitis Symptoms

While there are several noticeable symptoms of blepharitis, many of these symptoms can also arise from other conditions. Therefore, if you experience any of these symptoms, it's crucial to make an appointment with our eye doctor to ensure proper diagnosis.

Symptoms of Blepharitis include:

  • Dry eyes
  • Itchy or scratchy eye
  • Feeling a need to rub your eyes
  • Tearing
  • Redness/inflammation
  • Mattering
  • Crusting
  • A foreign body sensation around the eyes

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, call us at 111-222-3333 to schedule an evaluation.

Blepharitis Symptoms

BlephEx as a Treatment for Blepharitis

Specifically designed to treat blepharitis, BlephEx cleans and exfoliates the eyelids and eyelashes safely using a specially designed micro sponge. The procedure is generally quick, lasting only about 8 minutes, and involves minimal discomfort. To ensure maximum comfort, the eye doctor typically places a numbing drop in each eye before the treatment.

The most crucial aspect of the BlephEx procedure is its ability to remove the exo-toxin-filled bio-film layer from the margin of the eyelid. This prevents damage to the tear glands from inflammation and reduces the likelihood of developing dry eye syndrome.

Who Can Benefit From BlephEx Treatment?

BlephEx treatment is particularly beneficial for older patients who suffer from blepharitis and dry eye symptoms. However, it is effective for any patients with blepharitis, regardless of age. BlephEx directly treats the eyelids, leading to improved tear quality and production, and then a significant reduction in symptoms. In many cases, comfort levels can improve almost immediately after the procedure.

What is Blepharitis?
Blepharitis Symptoms

How Often is Treatment Needed?

Our general recommendation at is to schedule a BlephEx treatment every six months to ensure that the eyelids remain as clean as possible.

Common Questions

Yes, mites can cause blepharitis. Blepharitis is inflammation of your eyelids, which can then result in swelling, redness, itchiness and irritation of the eyes. If someone has poor eyelid hygiene, this can block the oil glands on the eyelid margin resulting in an inflammatory response causing blepharitis and dry eyes. Demodex is a mite that can be found on the eyelids and lashes. These mites eat dead skin cells, lay eggs and expel waste products in your eyelid glands and eyelash follicles. A small amount of mites naturally can be found on our skin to remove dead skin cells, and typically do not cause any harm or symptoms. But if you don’t have proper lid hygiene these mites can reproduce in large numbers, and can block the oil glands at the bases of the eyelashes causing blepharitis.
Normally we have tear ducts located in the inner corners of our eyes that help to drain our tears out of the eye into the nose; but if your tear drainage system is blocked (lacrimal stenosis) and/or not functioning properly it may cause overly watery eyes (epiphora). Additionally, if you’re experiencing excessive tearing, this may sound counter-intuitive, but it may mean that your eyes are dry. When our eyes are dry, they feel irritated and uncomfortable, which stimulates the lacrimal gland to produce so many tears that this then overwhelms the eye’s natural drainage system, causing our tears to roll down our face instead of through our tear ducts. Allergies, and irritants can also cause excessive tearing. Infections can also cause overly watery eyes because part of your body’s response to an eye infection is to produce excess tears in order to keep the eye lubricated and wash away any germs or discharge.
There is no cure for blepharitis; however, it can be treated and controlled by maintaining proper eyelid hygiene. In the absence of treatment, blepharitis can develop into more serious eye conditions, such as corneal problems, which can have significant consequences. BlephEx is one of the treatment options used for blepharitis. An optometrist performs BlephEx in-office to alleviate the symptoms of blepharitis, which is an altogether painless procedure. Similar to dental cleanings, BlephEx is recommended twice a year or even more frequently in severe cases. Since each individual's condition is different it is best to discuss treatment options and a preventative plan with our eye doctor during a dry eye evaluation.
BlephEx for Blepharitis


BlephEx is a treatment proven to be effective at helping patients suffering from blepharitis for extended periods of time, and the procedure itself is quick and not uncomfortable. Patients with dry eyes visit our clinic from all over STATE, and we are proud to be a leading provider of dry eye care for patients from CITY, SECONDARY1, SECONDARY2, and SECONDARY3. If you are interested in BlephEx as a treatment for your blepharitis and want more information or to schedule an appointment with us at Fargo, contact us today. 


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